Saturday, October 12, 2013


"Hamboi mentang-mentang dah jadi dental student segala perkataan yang tak faham semua keluar eh"


'A malocclusion is a misalignment of teeth or incorrect relation between the teeth of the two dental arches.'

Okay so hye everyone, assalamualaikum! It has been quite a while now (not sure though if there are still people reading my blog) anyway, alhamdulillah here i am again writing mostly about issues i'm having.

And again, alhamdulillah, it has been a month since i officially become a dental student in USIM. Can't be grateful enough for this. Well, of course with great power, comes great responsibility. Well to think back a year ago, i was so scared to enter Tamhidi in USIM at first place. I don't know why meeting new people has always give me a kind of an excessive anxiety. But as time goes by, i got adapted to the environment, lovely housemates whom i've been missing so much, the overly awesome classmates, and also hand washing my clothes (thumbs up for this). So overall Tamhidi year was great, despite the struggle that we had to face. Yes, it has been hard.

So far entering degree has widen my view in many aspects (so many that i even got confuse on some things). But all in all it has been really interesting to meet new people whom i share the same ambition with. Hee suka sangat!

So back to the topic. Malocclusion. Hem no dont worry i'm not trying to make a report for my assignment. So as the first year students, we only know a little bit about malocclusion but yes most of us are giving extra interest on this. It is probably because most of us are interested in wearing braces/retainer or some sort of that. We are all so excited to actually learn about our own teeth, to know the condition of our own teeth, to repair what's not right and some even wanted to have the perfect teeth that one can have! (okay i exaggerated this a bit) Anyway what i'm trying to say is that, we are all so eager to know more about ourselves. And of course if there's any flaw that we see in ourselves we would want to quickly repair it. When we look at our teeth and the upper arch seems to protrude a bit, then we assume that oh this is no good and i can repair this, so that i can look better, i can feel better about myself. Or sometimes when we look at the mirror and see ourselves being so fat that we think we need to lose some pounds, to be healthier, to look better, to feel better. Well i believe that makes us human. We tend to have a feeling where we want to be perfect, again, to be seen as a perfect person, to feel perfect.

So what's the problem with that? 

Hem however we always forgot that we have another 'thing' that we should've repair if we found an 'abnormalities' to it, another 'thing' that we should take care of with the most care (i dont know the right word for this, please excuse me). And probably the reason to our overlook on this is because we can't see that one certain 'thing'. We can feel it but we can never see it. Never. 

Again, that what makes us human. 

But being a human with special goals in this life (us, muslims) we must also take care of things that we cannot see. The things that actually make us more human than anyone else out there. 

It's our heart, our iman.

Our heart (iman) need the most care out of all our other body parts. Why? 

“There is a piece of flesh in the body if it becomes good (reformed) the whole body becomes good but if it gets spoiled, the whole body gets spoiled – and that is the heart.” 

[Bukhary, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 49: Part of the Hadith Narrated by An-Nu'man bin Bashir]

Phew, so how was that? The heart meant more than our teeth or even our body, because other people can't see it, can't judge it, but only Allah is there to judge. 

Like how we see dirt on our clothes we would want to clean and rinse it, that goes the same with our heart. We often sin, so we must always cleanse our heart. With zikrullah of course.

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest."(13:28) 

So what is having a perfect body (or teeth) without having a perfect heart?


Okay so lets think, lets muhasabah people. 

Renew your intention.

Renew your heart.

Because we human,
we forget.

Even the most basic things (shrugs).

Brush your teeth everyday, and don't forget to floss everyone. 
May Allah showers us with His blessings ameen.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Special Tak?


Hai dah lama rasanya tak menulis dalam BM. Ehek rasa janggal sedikit di sini ya.

Hem pernah rasa tak satu masa tu kita rasa nak tinggalkan semua benda. Rasa entah kenapa aku buat benda ni. Macam robot. Semua orang buat aku buat, aku hanya following the flow. Kenapa tak boleh aku nak hidup cara aku? Kenapa aku kena ikut orang? Kenapa dunia ni macam ni?

Aku selalu rasa macam tu. Entah kenapa. Dari dulu lagi pun, aku macam ni. Buat semua benda nak tak nak. Aku rasa dunia ni macam pelik, kenapa aku kena memuaskan hati semua orang, tapi bukan hati aku sendiri.Dan aku tak tahu pun sebenarnya apa yang aku nak.

Astaghfirullah astaghfirullah astaghfirullah.

Lately ni aku banyak berfikir, semenjak bergelar mahasiswi *ekhem*. Aku jumpa macam-macam orang, makin ramai kawan. Dan kebanyakan mereka ni amatlah kuat study, so unlike me. Bila aku tanya, kenapa korang nak jadi *apa yang diorang nak jadi*, macam-macam jawapan diorang kasi.

'Nanti senang hidup, gaji besar'
'Minat lah buat benda-benda macam ni, best'
'Entah, memang dari kecik nak jadi'.

Lagi buat aku bingung, eh diorang ni macam aku jugak ke?
Tapi yang pelik, aku cuba nak cari jawapan yang aku nak dengar dari diorang.
Macam yang belajar kat sekolah, dengar dekat daurah.
Lillahita'ala, untuk ummah, untuk islam.

Tapi aku tak jumpa jawapan ni. Mungkin ada dua tiga orang jawab macam ni, ahli bulatan gembira aku. Yang lain, hampir tiada.
Dan aku pun mempersoalkan diri aku ni, kau kenapa dah tahu tapi still tanya orang?
Kenapa kau kata yang kau tak tahu tujuan kau buat sesuatu perkara?
Kenapa selama ni kau buat hidup ni main-main?
Padahal kau dah tahu.

Ya aku dah tahu. Tapi aku baru sedar. Ya, baru je sedar.
Mungkin sebab aku tak nak jadi seperti orang lain. Aku ni memang jenis tak suka jadi macam orang lain, aku suka nak jadi special. Bila mereka bagi jawapan macam tu, aku rasa, ah takde beza aku dengan dia. Dan bila aku kaji lagi pasal benda ni, aku dapat lihat di kala kebanyakan manusia mengejar dunia, masih terapung-apung di awangan, hanya ada segelintir sahaja mereka-mereka yang sedang bergerak mengejar akhirat. Sigh.

Umat islam yang seperti buih-buih di lautan, hem.

Dekat mana aku?

Macam tu lah manusia, tahu. Ilmu banyak. Sayang, mungkin mereka juga belum sedar. Hem ya, macam belajar waktu sekolah rendah, 'ilmu tanpa amal, ibarat pokok tanpa buah'.

Habis takkan nak biarkan mereka lalai tanpa kesedaran tu? No no no lah kan. Kata sayang, kata chenta, takkan tak nak menyedarkan mereka kan? Buat lah mana yang mampu, lebih baik dari hanya duduk sahaja menunggu hari di mana bumi diterbalikkan.
Selagi ada masa, tenaga, gunakan sepenuhnya untuk jalan ini. Serius takkan rugi,
Menjadi special di sisi-Nya!

Bakal kembali untuk meneruskan semester akhir tamhidi, doakan.
A nice encouraging text message will do.